mandag den 18. august 2008

The young "Muslims".

If you live in western Europe chances are that you probably encountered youths hanging in groups that are of middle eastern origin.

They commit crimes and are generally rude to the local people.
The thing about that bothers me, is that people and the media labels them as Muslims.
Trust me these kids hardly know anything about Islam to qualify as Muslim. Ask them any theological question, like "Who's Jesus?" and they will answer wrong and probably commit heresy without even knowing it and automatically leave Islam.

They are thugs nothing else, if they were Muslims they would never commit any of these crimes. A good Muslims obeys the laws of the land that they are residing in (unless the law is something stupid of course, like a man must eat horse crap before he crosses the street).

It just bothers the hell out of me, cause I know that there are good Muslim kids, who minds the law and follow their religion. And these stupid kids puts a bad name on all Muslims, since they are more prominent in the streets and the media.

The next time you meet such dumb kids, ask them these questions:

1. Who's Jesus?
2. Where is Allah?
3. Does the Quran mention stoning of those that commit adultery?

1. Jesus was according to Islam one of the great prophets and not the son of Allah, a lot of the so called Muslim youths curse him thinking Jesus has nothing to do with Islam, thereby committing heresy.
2. Allah exists without space, since according to Islam he created everything including space. Again these so called Muslim know nothing about their religion and will probably answer that Allah is everywhere.
3. No the Quran doesn't mention that people that commit adultery should be stoned.)

Chances are they will at least answer one of the questions wrong. There, you have first hand proof that these kids are not Muslim, but just ignorant thugs. Instead of demeaning Islam, we should encourage these youths to learn more about their own religion, so that will realize the folly of the so called "gangsta" life style and become productive members of society.

I have a lot more to say about Islam itself, but I will leave at this for now.

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